Health & Lifestyle

Important lessons to be learned during a pandemic

Spanish flu pandemic is one of the deadliest havoc known to the human kind with approx 50 million deaths and 500 million infected. In 1918, the H1N1 virus-infected nearly one-third of the world’s population and added approximately 50 million death tolls at the end of the first world war. In India alone about 18 million deaths reported (about 6% of India’s population at that time) and that was maximum among other countries in the globe due to the dense population of India. But in 1918 India’s population was about 30 crores and now in 2020, it is more than 136 crores.

In words of famous writer and poet Lt. Shri Suryakant Tripathi “Nirala”, “River Ganga was swollen with dead bodies, there was not enough wood to cremate dead bodies.”

Just imagine the chaos if infection of that level happens again in India.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Covid-19 symptoms and infection transmission ways are the same as Spanish flu and till now it has crossed the mark of 60,000 infections and 2000 deaths reported.

But what have we learned in between these 102 years?

It’s not about India only, it’s also not about superpower America and the United Kingdom, it’s not about Italy and Spain which has one of the best health facilities around the globe, but it’s all about the mankind, the humans.

It’s all about to learn the lesson the way the human race is developing itself, is this growth a “boon” or “curse” to us? Time to rethink and realize that we are not only living being on mother earth, nature is not only for us but also for millions of other species which are existing.

Humans should understand that just like dinosaurs and some other species we can also extinct. One more major wave of any dangerous virus and humans could be on the verge of extinction.

We should understand that mother earth is not only for humans and we are encroaching forests, mountains, etc. like these are our personal property.

No, it is not like that.

The way we are populating, nature warns us time to time that there is also a place for other species.

All can see the change, we are at home and deers, tigers, ducks, and other animals roaming freely on roads made by us.

We should understand that every animal is not our food and China is an example of that. We should learn that nature can teach us a lesson in any possible way.

We have to respect nature and other living beings.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

If we analyze, the COVID-19 pandemic is a bunch of lessons to be learned, it’s up to us that what we have learned and what mistakes we should not do and what mistakes we should avoid. Meanwhile, we cannot blame governments as we are also a part of this chaos.

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