Health & Lifestyle

What to do if we cannot forgive?

Referring to a shloka in Srimad Bhagwat Geeta where Shri Krishna tells Arjun about forgiveness.

तेजः क्षमा धृतिः शौचमद्रोहो नातिमानिता।

भवन्ति सम्पदं दैविमभिजातस्य भारत।।

Almighty Krishna says: ” Vigour, the attitude of forgiveness, courage, purity, goodwill, and freedom from pride. All of these are considered by me to be the characteristic of a great man who is having a divine nature and has come from heaven to this world.”

Forgiving someone is not an easy task for a normal human being. Sometimes we are hurt by someone and sometimes we hurt someone, sometimes we are hurt by close ones. Sometimes we try to forgive and sometimes we don’t. But in any situation, we suffer too and we cannot avoid it.

We decide whether to forgive or not totally depends upon the situation and circumstances and finally on our by born nature. When you become spiritual and find inner peace then you can forgive anyone irrespective of the situation and circumstances because you just want peace.

But hold on, being spiritual is not easy and the intensity of being hurt depends upon how big your ego is. Once you get hurt, you have two options: forgive or not forgive.

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So take a case not forgive, then what to do? Take revenge or give harm anyway.

You may do any sinful act to take revenge and it may be in form of some abusive words or some violent act, may be some financial harm or something else. And you can also defend your act by saying karma hits back or tit for tat. But remember one thing, if you don’t regret at any point then you were right. But after some days or weeks, if you regret for what you did, then your act was not good and you will pay for it. Whether it will destroy your inner peace and happiness or it may block your relation with that person.

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So what I suggest is that try to forgive always in spite of circumstances and if you can’t, then try to make a conversation with that person and tell him that you are hurt. Maybe you get to realize that you did something wrong in another person’s perspective or maybe another person realizes that he did wrong and say sorry to you. Keep your ego aside and start a conversation and then you will get to know that there are 100 doors open to move on. Even if you believe that you are damn right, forgiving is the only way that can give you the result you want. That’s why forgiveness is considered as a divine act.

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