Yoga For Obesity: 5 Best Yoga Poses Help Fight Obesity
Yoga for Obesity is challenging. Yoga is considered to be a wonderful practice in the path of gaining spiritual knowledge. But do you know that yoga is also a great physical exercise? Experts say that Yoga for obesity has a physical aspect of hatha yoga or yoga which involves specific physical postures or alignment exercises that help a person achieve the physical fitness necessary to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Although yoga works on all parts of the body, it is especially helpful in reducing body fat and fighting obesity. As we all know that obesity is one of the most common issues that people experience these days. Due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets, people are suffering severely from obese physical illness.
Here are the top five yogasanas that can help you fight obesity :-
1) Pawan Muktasana

In Yoga for obesity, this posture is very useful for burning fat in your thighs, hips and abdominal area.
Step –
Lie on your back. Now slowly raise your feet and place your hands around your knees. In this position, bring your feet closer to the body. Keep hold of this pose for a few seconds. Slowly release the pose and bring your head to the floor. Once done, straighten your legs and relax.
2) Bhujangasana

It is also called Cobra pose. In Yoga for Obesity, This pose is especially helpful in stretching and stretching your arms, shoulders, buttocks, thighs, back and abdomen. Bhajangasana is an excellent asana for reducing abdominal fat. If practised regularly, this pose can help you achieve a flat stomach.
Step –
Lie on your stomach on the floor. Place your palms on the ground near the shoulder. Inhale and lift your body up to the navel simultaneously. Keep hold of this pose for a few seconds and slowly come back to the original position. Repeat the asana thrice.
3) Naukasana

As the name suggests, Naukasana or boat pose helps you reduce abdominal fat, tone abdominal muscles and strengthen your lower back.
Step –
Lie on your back. Keep your hands with your body. Take a few deep breaths. Now take a deep breath slowly, lift your body, chest, hands and feet off the floor. Continue this situation for a few seconds or for as long as you can. Feel the stretch on your chest, abdomen and back muscles constantly. Slowly return to normal. While exhaling, relax the posture and return to the original position. Repeat the asana at least three times.
4) Veer Bhadrasana

It is also called Warrior Pose. Apart from reducing body fat, this asana also helps to increase the alignment of the body and burn fat throughout the body.
Step –
Stand with your feet spread out at least one leg. Now, move your gaze to the right, and bend your right leg at 90 degrees. Now take a deep breath and raise both your arms at shoulder level. Turn your head to the right and continue this pose for a few seconds or as long as you can. Inhale and return to the original position. Repeat the asana at least twice.
5) Paschimottanasana

If Yoga for Obesity should be understood. It is considered to be an excellent pose for fighting abdominal fat. This posture helps in reducing abdominal fat and toning your abdominal area, pelvic area, thighs, hips, shoulders.
Step –
Sit on a flat surface, and spread your legs to the front and straighten your legs. Inhale slowly then start to move your arms above your head. Now while exhaling, tilt your body forward and try to touch your knees with your forehead. Hold this posture for a few seconds and keep breathing normally. Inhale and slowly return to normal. Repeat the asana twice.
Yoga has become a vital part of our day to day life. Yoga helps a person to achieve physical, psychological and emotional well-being. If practised regularly, these poses can not only help you reduce belly fat, but also reduce fat from the entire body. Reducing abdominal fat is the most difficult task in the world and it demands a lot of efforts from the person. But, it is not impossible either. With practice and patience, you can actually achieve great results in a very short time.
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